February 18, 2015

Baby #2: Nine Month Update

Baby #2: Nine Months 

Feeling - So much love and happiness to be at home settling in with my little family and gratitude for all that I've been given - two beautiful girls and a husband that loves us all so well.

Craving - Healthy foods! It's funny how quickly I felt motivated to fill myself with healthy foods that will help my body heal. Don't get me wrong - I'm still eating cinnamon rolls and Valentine's Day chocolates - but I am motivated to kick my unhealthy habits soon, for sure.

Wearing - Sweats, leggings and long tshirts. Comfort is my number one priority right now as my body heals and I take it nice and easy. 

Wondering - Who this little bundle of newborn-ness will grow up to be, what she will look like, how she'll be different from (and similar to) her sister. 

Thinking - So many thoughts and having so many emotions. Postpartum hormones are crazy, crazy things, am I right?? But mostly thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. 

Doing - Snuggling Elle, playing with Wren, soaking up the short time that Jon has off of work, cooking yummy meals, catching up on TV shows and taking long naps - basically all my favorite things.

(See all updates for baby #2 here.)

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