Right now I’m sitting on my bed, warm and cozy in a hoodie, hiding my cold feet under the blankets. The day outside is gray and blustery, the apartment smells like pumpkin candles and it’s almost impossible to deny the fact that fall has arrived.
There are pumpkins for sale outside of the grocery store and red leaves on the sidewalk and just about everyone has traded in their sandals for boots. (Really, how can you not love fall, if only for the boots?)
I’m about to head off to a football game, and I’m thinking of throwing on a scarf and making some hot chocolate to bring along. Wouldn’t that be nice and toasty? I do think so.
Anyway, happy October to you all. I hope it sweeps you off your feet, messes up your hair a bit and makes you smile.
Even though fall has nothing on summer, I do look forward to it (and the boots!)
Put some socks on and your feet won't be cold.
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