You are ten months old, baby boy! You continue to be on the move and this month, we got you a brand new walker so that you can really get around the house!
You had been using a wagon that your sisters have but we'd have to load it up with stuff to make it heavy enough that it wouldn't fall over while you were trying to stand with it, so finally I just ordered you a legit walker and you love it! You can't walk with it yet, but you love pulling up to stand on it and I can tell it won't be long before you're cruising with it!
You are still pulling up on everything like crazy. You've also started babbling lots of sounds - "lala," "mama" and "dada" are some of them, but you don't know what the words mean. It's still really cute to hear you say "mama," though!
You really love to eat and your daycare teachers have started giving you more solid foods because if everyone is eating except you, you start to yell really loud - HAHA! So they put you at the table with everyone else and give you the stuff that you can eat.
This month has been so fun with daddy being back. You continue to warm up to him, but I'm still you're go-to if you need to be comforted, especially in the night.
I wish I could say you are a good sleeper, but you are not! It's probably the only bad thing about you! You continue to wake up multiple times a night and have since you were born. You are still sleeping in our room in the Pack 'N Play, but we've started talking about sleep training you and moving you to your crib. Now that daddy's back, I'm ready to do that, but I wasn't before. I've loved having you so close all these months.
Love you more than anything, baby boy! Keep growing!
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