September 27, 2019

Wes Wild: 5 Months Old

Wes 5 Months
Wes! You are a big five month old now! There were two really big things that happened during your fifth month...

One of the biggest things that happened for you this month was that you learned to roll from back to belly! Then every time I put you down on your back, you immediately rolled onto your belly. However, you were not usually happy to be on your belly and then would get mad until someone put you back on your back, but then you would immediately flip again to your belly! HAHA! Babies are silly!

Another pretty big thing during your fifth month - you got glasses! You absolutely hate them and never wear them, though. But you look SO CUTE during the five seconds a day you keep them on your face. :) Your pediatrician saw something with one of your eyes and referred us to an eye specialist. At our first appointment, they dilated your eyes and did an eye exam. She said you have an astigmatism in one of your eyes and the glasses will help correct it so that you don't need surgery down the road. I cried in the hallway after she told us that. Then I called your dad and told him that I just felt so sorry for you - no baby wants to wear glasses! But if it means no surgery, then we will definitely do what we have to do to make your eyes better! 

You continue to be the happiest baby on the block. I really don't know what I did before I had such a big hunk of love in my life. You're always smiling and making everyone around you smile. SO happy that you are ours, baby boy! SO HAPPY! 

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