1 Wooderson (from Dazed and Confused ) +
1 hour stuck in traffic +
1 mix CD +
1 hard to find parking spot +
2 houses in Hollywood +
5 hours of fun +
1 SoCoke +
1 cup of some strange punch +
3 hours urban camping +
2 gigantic headaches +
8 hours of sleep +
1 lazy Saturday +
3 hours of listening to the WSU game +
2 medium pizzas +
2 movies +
11 hours of sleep +
1 extra hour back +
3 hours of Cowboys/Seahawks football +
1 plate of nachos =
1 really great Halloween weekend!
And one Decaf, Tall, Extra Hot, Cinnamon Dolce Latte
and one unemployed roommate that never left the couch.
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