Our weekend in San Bernardino was faaaan-tastic. We woke up early on Saturday, grabbed some coffees and headed out to the land of sun and heat and hills, and when we got to the hotel, we went straight to the pool for some baking. It was just the relaxing day I needed. After a few hours in the sun, we walked to a nearby Mexican restaurant for enchiladas and coronas and the. best. salsa. ever. outside on the patio. Then it was back to the pool until late afternoon, when we had to get ready for the concert.
Before the show, we stopped at the casino for a steak dinner (because you can't go to a casino and NOT have a steak dinner), and when we were stuffed to the brim, we headed to the amphitheater for Tim McGraw - who was amazing.
All in all, it was a really great couple of days. I love checking out different parts of California that I've never been to - especially when they have pools - and salsa - and country music!
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