It's official! I'm 30 years old - and I can't even believe it. (Even typing it feels weird...and wrong.) I'm sure I'm not the only 30 year old to say they still feel 23, but it's true! I don't feel old enough to have my 20's behind me and my 40's only 10 years away, but thankfully, even though I don't feel 30, I'm really not that sad about being 30.
Don't get me wrong - it can be a little freaky when you let yourself dwell on the fact that your 20's are gone forever - like gone, gone forever - and you'll never be that "young" again, but once you pull yourself up and out of all that mumbo jumbo, you kind of realize 30 really is just a number - and you're the same person you were on Friday when you were 29 - and you can act as "young" as you want for as long as you want - and then you feel much better (or at least I did). Because, honestly, I'm extremely happy with the place I am in my life right now. It's exactly where I pictured I'd be at 30, and I'm not only excited to see what my 30's bring (a house! dogs! babies! perhaps?), I'm also perfectly ready for all of those 30 year old things - not kind of ready, not a tiny bit ready, but ready, ready - and that feels really good.
For those of you wondering why I haven't posted my 30th birthday list yet, I've got some sad news - I've decided not to make one this year. (Don't cry!) The point of the birthday lists was to inspire myself to have new experiences and fun adventures throughout the year, and while I've had a ton of fun scratching things off my lists for the past 3 years, I have a sneaky little feeling that my 30th year is going to include more new experiences, exciting changes and fun adventures than any birthday list could hold. So, while I'm sad to not post a list this year, I'm also completely excited by the thought of all the fun this year could possibly bring (and looking forward to sharing it with all of you along the way!).
And now for some photos of our Vegas birthday shenanigans (think endless buffets, cold pools, and amazing balloon hats!):

And now, on to the next decade...
Wish me luck! :)
Good Luck!
Cant deny that I'm totally bummed you're not doing a birthday list this year :(
Have a great year anyway! :)
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