December 8, 2011

CA to TX: Roadtrippin'


Wow - It feels like it's been a million years since I've been here (which it kind of has). My apologies for being gone so long (and thanks to those of you who've stuck around!). Moving is ca-razy. Seriously. But we're all settled in Austin now, and besides a few small details, our apartment is pretty much complete and already feeling like home. I'm finally getting back into a regular schedule after a couple weeks of weirdness, and all in all, we're loving it.

Above are a few photos from our Santa Monica to Austin roadtrip, the best roadtrip I've ever been on. You might think two people + one cat in a truck for two days wouldn't be fun, but it was perfect. We drove a lot (and stopped for snacks a lot), and listened to the first of The Hunger Games books on tape (which we loved and made the miles go by so fast). It's definitely a trip I'll remember forever.

I'll be back tomorrow with a few more snapshots from the road, and I promise to catch you up on even more things next week - like Thanksgiving! And the new apartment! And all the fun we've been up to in Austin so far! (Aren't you so excited??)

Ahhh, it feels good to be back here. (I missed you guys!)

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