November 9, 2011

Austin, Here We Come!

Austin, TX

I've got some BIG news to share today.... Mason and I are moving to Austin!

We are so, so excited about the opportunity to be closer to my family and get to know a new city, especially a new city that we both really love. (Remember when we visited Austin last May? It wasn't just for fun - We were actually checking out the city to see if we'd like to live there one day. We're so sneaky, aren't we??)

We'll be officially setting off to Texas on Monday, November 21st - so that gives us exactly two weeks to pack, pack, pack, hang out with friends and visit all of our favorite places one last time.

It's a sad thing to leave this city where we met, fell in love, got married and started our life together. We each have a lot of favorite places and favorite memories from our time here. But it's also an exciting thing to be embarking on our first real adventure together in a place where we'll no doubt find new favorite places and make new favorite memories. To be honest, I can't wait!

P.S. - Remember when I said I had a feeling my 30th year would hold plenty of exciting changes and fun adventures? This was one of them!

1 comment:

[Good Mum Hunting] said...

Wicked news!

I've heard Austin is tres cool and hip. Awesome music and food scene too.

And you can ACL to your wishlist too. I'd love to do the Texas festival circuit one day.

Happy packing and safe moving too.
