Let me start by saying that the whole thing - from wedding to honeymoon to reception - was so great. I find myself daydreaming about it all the time. I'm so happy to say that even though it went by fast, I still remember each and every detail with perfect clarity. I hope I always will. Now, for some of those details...
The wedding weekend started off with out of town guests arriving and getting to know my home town. (The welcome bags were a hit.)

We took Mason's family on a tour that included a trip to my favorite bbq joint, a drive by the house I grew up in, a quick stop at the high school football stadium and the Adams' first Texas snocones. (Yum!)
On Friday, we drove out to The Barn for the rehearsal, where Mason and his family were able to see the venue for the first time. I think everything really hit us when I practiced my walk down the aisle. We were getting married! And the butterflies were in full force.
After the rehearsal, we went to a local tex mex restaurant for dinner, and it was perfect - laid back with lots of enchiladas, burritos, margaritas and beer. It was great to have all of our family and closest friends in one room, laughing and enjoying themselves.

When we had all eaten too much, we drove over to Crockett Street to dance some of it off. Then my sister/MOH and I headed home for some sleep.
On the wedding day, we woke up to blue skies and sunshine. I started singing "Take Me Down To The Little White Church" and my bridesmaid, Jennifer, stopped by with breakfast. An hour or so later, we headed to The Barn to transform it into everything I had imagined for the past five months, and thanks to the help of my fantastic family, we did. It looked exactly like I had pictured it - with the banners and the fruit and the lights - and I couldn't have been happier with it.

Since Mason and I had decided to see each other before the ceremony, we all arrived a few hours early to take pictures - and that's when the rain started. And when I say rain - I don't mean sprinkles - I mean rain - lots and lots of rain.
We were able to sneak in some pictures during the breaks and outside on the porch, but ultimately, we had to move the outdoor ceremony indoors. The girls camped out in the "Bride's Cabin" while arriving guests and family members helped move the chairs from outside to in, but suprisingly, the rain didn't do anything to dampen my spirits. I was so, so happy - the kind of happy that just can't be ruined by a little (or a lot) of rain.

When I think about the day, there are so many things that stand out. I remember watching the guys put the final touches on their suits while I waited for Brianne to arrive with my dress. I remember laughing with my bridesmaids while I tried to pin my veil in and worrying about my hair frizzing up. I remember when Mason saw me for the first time and told me he loved the dress. I felt so pretty - not exactly like a bride but still like something special.
I remember leaving my fabric bouqet out in the rain and having it rescued by the photographer. I remember the look on the best man's face as he frantically looked up a Bible passage on his iPhone because we forgot to print it out for one of the readings. I remember running through the horse pen with Mason while the photographer snapped pictures (and only later thinking that probably wasn't a good idea, what with all the horse poop and all).
I remember darting through the rain to the side of the porch where I would make my grand entrance and laughing so loud and being shushed by my parents and the groomsmen and trying to hold it all in. I remember hearing Train's "Soul Sister" start up and watching as each of my bridesmaids made her entrance. I remember Mason's face when I reached him at the end of the aisle. I remember feeling overwhelmed at all that was happening and almost crying, but not.
I remember laughing when Mason said "I do" with such fierce seriousness and hearing the guests laugh as Mason vowed to watch reality TV with me and I vowed to always support WSU sports. I remember throwing my arms in the air after our kiss and not really looking at the crowd until it was all over.
From there, it was all dancing and drinks and cake and friends and family, and then we looked around and realized that the night was over. The photographer came up to me and asked if we were planning to do an exit of some sort. I looked around at all of my family cleaning things up, and I knew I couldn't leave just yet. So, I told him no, and we sat in chairs and ate cake while everyone mopped and packed up around us. Looking back, I'm so happy we stayed until the very end - I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Overall, when I think about the wedding day, I remember being so happy - deeply, completely happy - and I know that it's a day that will always make me smile.
I love that you blog.... I do too!! heidijason.blogspot.com
It was so great to see Mason and meet you at the Idaho reception!!
Everything looks great.
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